Hot Toddies with Tea

Hot Toddies with Tea

A typical hot toddy starts with your favourite liquor, honey and fresh lemon and is topped with hot water. By choosing to brew a pure loose leaf tea to replace the hot water, you can experiment with unique combinations that enhance specific flavours in both the tea and the liquor.

Here are a few recipes we created to get you started. All ingredients can be adjusted to more or less to please your palate.

Black tea hot toddy

  • 2 cups Mangalam Assam brewed hot
  • 1 oz dark rum
  • Garnish with cinnamon sticks and fresh lemon

Oolong tea hot toddy

Variation: infuse 3 grams of oolong in 1/2 cup of gin for 18 hours and use this for the alcohol in the recipe to enhance the tea flavour.

Green tea hot toddy

Variation: brew the tea stronger (5 grams per cup) so it's not overpowered by the whisky.

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